Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tie My Shoes

Before Addison, heads off to Kindergarten this year, I really wanted her to learn to tie her own shoes. I do not remember how early I learned how, but I felt that it was important to do this since there is so much more independence involved with kindergarten. We have off and on talked and showed her the past month and a half, but I didn't want to push her too much because I was worried about her frustration level. The last two weeks, I have asked her to go and get her practice board every other day and with practice two or three times each time we have now become independent. On her real shoes, she requires a little more verbal support because the laces are not as long as the practice board, but she does eventually tie those, as well, on her own! YAY Addison!! On a side note, I taught her using the "guns up" method. Always have to do the guns up fingers to hold the laces on both sides and it worked perfectly!...LOL...GO TECH!!

Much Love,
The Reynolds

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