6 month catch up!!
Avett is growing so quickly. He is now weighing in at 17 lbs. 12 oz. We are on half formula and half b.milk (getting ready to transition to complete formula in a couple of days). He is eating cereal and baby food (wasn't so sure at first...look at the face in the pictures below) and started some finger foods.
Avett is trying so hard to move and groove, but has not quite yet figured out how to get his legs under his body to get moving. He is rolling front to back and back to front, along with twirling himself around on the floor to get to things or see things. He is sitting up for longer amounts of time, but once he tries to grab at something his balance is lost. Standing is a favorite position for him and is a bouncing machine in one of our standing toys.
Avett loves to LOVE! He is gives hugs and kisses, and touches familiar peoples faces with such adoration and love. Sweetest thing EVER! He laughs and smiles non stop and you will not hear this baby crying much at all. Super calm and enjoyable all day long. He is observing everything around him and we are working on signing time with him. As you can see in the pictures, big sister is helping a lot with the signing! Toys with sound, lights, and textures are his favorites right now and he is very much enjoys to place them in his mouth. No teeth yet, but sure does seem like they are trying with the amount of drool and mouthing he is doing.
Sleeping has not been a constant through the night yet. For the past 2 months, we have had non stop ear infections. WE have been on 3 antibiotics and 3 shots.(Could we ever tell he was in pain or had ear infections..NO) We actually got cleared today and as of right now they are gone. Maybe our sleeping through the night will begin soon. Luckily, it is normally only 1-2 times a night and for about 10 minutes and then he is back to sleep.
He is taking a bath like a big boy now, but is needing someone to hold him from slipping. Baths in the sink were getting to be a big big watery mess. Much better with sister in the big tub, and he just loves to kick and splash and laughs when there are lots of bubbles.
He will be 7 months next week and we are wondering where the time as gone!
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Your Kitchen Drawers. Discover how to
transform cluttered kitchen drawers into an organized, functional space
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2 weeks ago
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