Monday, July 30, 2012

Avett Hill

Avett Hill Reynolds is FINALLY here! We are so proud and excited to annouce that our sweet little boy arrived on July 28, 2012 at 11:05 PM.  He weighed 7 lbs 9 oz. and 19 .5 inches long.  We wanted to share all the fun details of the past 2 days for you all, Avett's Birth Story!

Since this last Thursday, I had been having pretty serious contractions going up to about a 7 in pain and last about 1 minutes in length for various increments of time from 3-10 minutes.  I knew that within the next couple of days Avett would be joining us, but I had no clue that having these contractions continually like this was going to be as big of a deal as it was.  I was pretty much in the beginning stages of labor 3 whole days. On Friday night, the contractions became very strong and very close together.  Not being able to sleep the whole night because of the intensity and closeness of the contractions, Thomas and I decided at 3:00 Saturday morning we would truck it over to the hospital because I was VERY sure that Avett would come that morning.  Well, once in the car and on our way the increments of time that the contractions were coming in began to separate further out, making Thomas and I very discourage and almost positive that they would send us home, but we went ahead and went so we could see how far along I was and to give us an idea of what were were looking at time was.  I was 3 cm. dilated, 80% efface, and minus 2 station...therefore, no baby for a good while. At 6:30 we went home and hung out with Addison while having some massive contractions, lots of tears, nausea, disappointment, and questioning what to do! 8:00 in the evening came around and Thomas convinced me that we needed to just go back up to the hospital because of the amount of pain I was in.  When we go there, all the of the same nurses and staff were there, and I was PRAYING that I had changed somewhat, because I did not want to be that crazy lady! When they checked me I was 6 cm, 100% efface, and 0 station. I was soooo thankful! They admitted me and got us checked into a room within an hour.  In that hour, I was dilated to an 8 and they broke my water.  45 minutes to an hour later I was ready to push.  I pushed for about 15 minutes and our little boy was out! The early labor was a huge beating and took forever, but active labor, thankfully, only lasted a few hours. I did not have an epidural or any pain medication and I did not have to induce, so I feel very happy that I was able to complete my goal with Avett's birth!

Avett came out sooo quiet.  He cried about for about 5 seconds and then was done for the rest of the night.  We did not hear him make a sound.  He was so happy and content laying skin to skin with me when he came out and even when moved to do his weight check, bath, etc., not a peep! He has been so wonderful.  Some of the things that have happened in the hospital: Breastfeeding wonderfully, slept great 1st night, started spitting up mucus and had to have his stomach cleaned out from the more problems, PKU test, 2nd night was harder because during PKU they had him under a warmer and then came back to our room and was very cold...lots of bundling then he was happy and content, circumcision went well Monday morning, got to come home by 11:30 Monday morning.

Since Avett has been home this morning, all he has really done is slept.  He is very out of it from the meds given for the circumcision. He took a bath tonight and was not really a fan, but man he sure does smell good!
We are so thrilled that he is here! He is absolutely beautiful and already so good. Addison has been such a loving big sister and wants to be with him always. Things will definitely be different around the Reynolds' house from now on, but we are so up for the change, the challenge, the excitement, and all the ups and downs that are coming our way! We are a happy happy family of 4!

Much Love,
The Reynolds

More photos on picasa.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July weekend! We woke up and went over to the 4th and Broadway parade, which I felt was much better than last years! We had great shaded seats to keep this pregnant lady cool and we were in a spot that was not very crowded. Addison was more excited in getting as much candy as she could than looking at what was actually in the parade, but I guess that is what the parade is all about for kids. We then walked down and got our brisket burritos that I, especially, have to have every year. They were great, as usual! Thank you Lady of Guadalupe Church! For the rest of the day we hung out at the house and then enjoyed some barbeque chicken, corn, asparagus, and some yummy rolls! For dessert, I made some homemade ice cream sandwiches, which were so yummy! For the evening, we went and did some "Addison friendly" fireworks in the driveway and then proceeded to MacKenzie Park for the big city fireworks show. We really had a great time and great Family time!

Much Love,
The Reynolds

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ready for Avett

We are officially ready for Avett! He is now considered full term, we are at 37 1/2 weeks!! When we went to the Dr. on Thursday we were told that we are dialated to 1 cm., I have dropped, and that she can feel his head!! We are so excited about this because Addison never showed any progression at 2 days after her due date we induced.  Now we know that Avett's due date is not until the 26th, but we are just truly excited that there is some movement and progression happening, because we are on the track of no induction this time! We will have another Dr.s appointment on Thursday again to see what she has to say. Can't wait! So, now back to being ready...we have his bag packed, all of the new clothes are washed and hung up, we hope that we have every "baby supply" needed (we shall soon find out if we will be running out to the store as he arrives), car seats are in, big sister bag is almost complete, carpets clean, house is as clean as it can be with a 4 year old running around and 2 hairy dogs, and the room is ready! We are so anxious and excited and watching every move that this body makes.  We look forward to texting and calling all of you with the exciting news that we are on our way to the hospital!! So, for now, we will enjoy the time we have left with Addison on her own and try to keep our excitement on the down low!

We wanted to share the finished Avett Bedroom project!! We are so proud of it and we think that it turned out exactly the way we hoped and dreamed it would be! 

Much Love,
The Reynolds

Friday, July 6, 2012

Avett's Baby Showers

I wanted to share some of the photos that we had from the showers that were given to me in May. We had a family/friends shower in Midland the weekend of Addison's 4th birthday. It worked out really well, and the gals did a wonderful job with it. The hostess' were Ashlee, Tosha, Lonetta, Reba, and Vicki. They went with our yellow and grey train theme very well and it was so cute! We got many many outfits and some other great necessities that will be quickly used with Avett. Addison was loving the gift opening portion of the shower, it was like her birthday was just continuing all weekend long! The second shower that I had was a surprise! The Pre-K/Special Ed. Group at my school showered us with millions of diapers! We are definitely stocked for a while. THANK GOODNESS! I am so gratefully to have such sweet co-workers/friends! It was so generous and very very helpful. They also were able to fit in that fun train theme with the cake. Sorry there are no pictures of the diapers...we forgot! We are just so thankful to have even received showers from everyone, we were very prepared to do what we needed with Avett on our own since this was our second child! Thank you to all our wonderful friends and family for thinking of us and helping us with all the many things that Avett will need here in the next few weeks! (more on that to come!!)

Much Love,
The Reynolds